Cervical osteochondrosis (COX) is diagnosed more often in women than in men. However, their symptoms are almost identical. But it is worth remembering that the course of the disease in each patient manifests itself individually, regardless of gender.
Men react less carefully to any crunch in the neck, the symptoms of SHX are latent. This is due to the anatomy of people of different sexes. The male muscles develop, so additional protection is created for the discs. They create a kind of shell that supports the vertebrae, which prevents their deformation.
The female spine is better adapted to different loads (in connection with childbirth and childbirth), but the symptoms of MCD appear more often and more vividly.
How are the spine and men's health related?

With the defeat of SHX the brain receives less nutrients, there is a blockage of blood vessels. Most often, men complain of migraines and dizziness.Men are starting to worry:
- Hypertension.
- The rhythm of coordination is disturbed, instability when walking occurs.
- Decreased visual activity and acuity.
- Hearing deteriorates, often ringing in the ears.
- The voice becomes hoarse and harsh, as if after an illness.
- Increasingly, women are beginning to complain about their husbands' snoring.
Various pains
Unpleasant sensations begin with strong movements of the cervical region. They may be accompanied by frequent forced exhalation and sneezing. If the affected area is stretched by wind or while diving into an ice hole, then the unpleasant sensations become acute. It is difficult for a man to turn his head, even a slight tilt causes discomfort.
If at the same time the middle toe or toe is numb or crunchy, then most often WOH occurs in parallel with the disease of the spinal nerve roots.
Weakness of the upper limbs
Older men often complain of weakness and numbness of the bone tissue. It most often occurs on the hands or feet, especially at night or when the weather changes suddenly.
If nothing is done, muscle weakness will lead to their tingling and atrophy. This is due to diseases of the spinal cord. The latter are directly related to the development of diseases of the spinal nerve roots.
Tissue sensitivity is reduced as a result of blockage or inflammation of blood vessels. Sensuality is disturbed, which is manifested by ossification, chills, the skin in the affected area becomes pale, during the massage acquires a scarlet hue. Deterioration of blood flow is often added to the problems with blood vessels.
Cracked neck and limited mobility

Crispy movements in the area of the cervix do not always signal dangerous diseases that show pathological processes. It can be caused by genetic predispositions. It most often occurs as a result of increasing the load on the cervical region. Another reason is spasm or maximum relaxation of muscles that do not have time to respond to contractions.
Crispy movements occur in response to excessive joint mobility. They can be provoked by frequent and intense exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back.
Often crunchy movements in the cervical region occur with rapid rotation of the head, which signals the development of such pathologies:
- Dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage.
- Rotating growth of bone tissue at the edges of the bodies.
- Salt deposits.
- Displacement of bone in the joint due to trauma.
- Displacement of the pulpal nucleus of the intervertebral disc with rupture of the fibrous ring.
- Spondylolisthesis.
- Cartilage deformation.
The spine loses its shock absorbers, the intensity of friction and its strength doubles and crunch occurs. Therefore, the spine is physiologically lowered, which leads to limited motor activity when leaning or moving the pelvis in a circle.
Loss of coordination and dizziness
The problem develops in the absence of blood supply, which feeds the complex receptor of the vestibular analyzer.
The patient suddenly has forced exhalation or urge to vomit. The person feels limited during movements, his legs give way, the person is disoriented in space.
Blurred vision and hearing, numbness of the tongue

A man has a veil in his eyes, white spots resembling small flies. Over time, the picture becomes clear, then becomes blurry, such flashes may appear after a few minutes and continue continuously. After a while they can stop on their own. Sometimes one begins to disorient oneself in time and space.
Hearing loss is also diagnosed.The man starts ringing in his ears more and more, he hears noises. Often the sound appears in one ear, less often in both at the same time. Sometimes men are bothered by the feeling of a plug in the ears, which itches from time to time.
Sore throat
Experts call this symptom pharyngeal cervical osteochondrosis. It is as if a person has a lining in the throat, it is difficult for him to speak, to breathe, he starts coughing allergic. The cork provokes sweating, which is manifested by a sore throat. The mucous membrane, due to frequent dry unproductive cough, dries up, there is a burning sensation, itching. Then begins a classic sore throat, the voice becomes hoarse. If you do not determine the root cause of such a reaction, over the years the situation will only get worse.
Numbness in the heart, a feeling of pressure in the chest
In some caseswith SOH, tingling occurs in the shoulder joint or elbow. In this case, compressive movements in the chest area are diagnosed. The heart muscle or liver often tingles because blood flow is disrupted and the organs do not receive the right amount of nutrients that the blood distributes.
Over time, due to SHOH, the heart begins to prick and pinch strongly, the heart rate accelerates.
Redness of the skin
Because of SOC, neurological problems begin in the area of the brain that regulates its neuroendocrine activity and homeostasis. This provokes a syndrome of chronic fatigue, a person wants to sleep all the time, his mood often changes, his skin becomes scarlet.
Furthermore,neurology causes depression, the man is haunted by panic attacksand unfounded fear. The skin becomes scarlet, then pales sharply, the pressure rises, the heart beats faster.
In this case, in men, sexual activity decreases, urination is difficult and apathy to food occurs.
Other signs

- Sudden vasospasm. One accidentally loses orientation in space and "falls off his feet. "In this case, it should be placed on a hard surface and wait a while until the blood supply to the brain improves. The man will come to his senses in a few minutes, but then he will feel tired, his head will start to hurt.
- The pain can affect the arms, shoulders, and also the cervical region. It often appears in the back of the head, squeezing a man's head like a rim.
- Increased tone of the upper chest. At night, the muscular corset is in good shape, which affects the tension.
- Pinched nerve roots. Symptoms may vary. It depends on the course of the disease, its stage and the affected spine itself. For example, the fingers may become numb or all limbs may become paralyzed.
- Neuralgia of the nerve roots of the back of the head. This symptomatology is characteristic of the stronger sex, in which inflammatory processes occur during the disease or the cervical nerves are irritated. As a rule, this occurs with frostbite or increased pain in the occipital region.
The attack occurs in men suddenly, resembling an electric shock. Such a negative reaction lasts only a few minutes, after which the pain begins to subside. Neuralgia occurs up to 5 times a day. At the same time the occiput loses sensitivity, goosebumps appear.
Diagnostic methods
Prior to initiating therapy, the patient should undergo a course of examination to identify the affected areas.
Diagnostic technique:
- MRI or CT.
- X-rays.
- Rheumatic tests.
Which doctor should I see?

If the man feels a number of symptoms that provoke SOH, it is better to contact a specialist immediately. Which one to contact:
- therapist. They conduct an initial examination, give advice. When symptoms of SOS are detected, the patient is referred to a specialist in a narrow field of work.
- Neurologist / neurologist. WOH is a type of neurological disease, so the man should be consulted by a neurologist (neurologist).
- Vertebral neurologist. This specialist chooses the method of therapy and diagnoses the condition of the spine.
- Physiotherapist. He eliminates the ailments using non-traditional methods of treatment, among which acupuncture stands out. This improves blood flow and relieves muscle spasm.
When is it necessary to contact a specialist?
- With primary symptoms of changes in visual and auditory activity.
- Pain that cannot be relieved by pharmacological means.
- Vascular spasms that cause loss of consciousness.
Development and course of the disease
- First degree SHOH: minor pathologies in the area of the pulpal nucleus of the fibrocartilage formation. Excessive stress provokes dehydration of the nucleus, which adversely affects the size of the disc and the formation of cracks.
- The second stage of SHOH: the height of the discs decreases rapidly, the spine begins to sag. This provokes increased mobility of the vertebrae.
- The third stage: prolapses and protrusions of the intervertebral discs are formed, may be accompanied by the development of chronic spasm of the intervertebral joints.

The treatment is a complex therapy, depending on the stage of development of the disease, lasts from 30 to 90 days of intensive care and 12 months of supportive measures to consolidate the results and prevent recurrence.
Conservative therapy of the disease - taking pharmacological drugs, performing complex gymnastics.Surgery will be justified only in the absence of positive dynamics,disease progression.
Folk remedies
The celery root is crushed and taken in proportions: 4 g of root is poured with a liter of hot water. Insist for one day and filter. Take 10 grams three times a day.
In folk therapy, self-massage or the use of a needle applicator will be excellent.